Saturday 25 April 2015

Beauty | Bobbi Brown Makeover

Harvey Nichols - Bobbi Brown - Manchester

As a very early birthday present, my mum thought it would be a nice idea to get a makeover at Bobbi Brown in Manchester. I'm not very well educated when it comes to makeup, or particularly concerned with buying only the 'best', which usually means the most expensive, but I have always been interested in having some sort of a beauty regime and I'm alright with splurging my money on makeup, once in a while. 

I booked the makeover two days in advance for the coming Friday, at the Bobbi Brown pop-up-store in Harvey Nichols; the ladies who worked there were great and rang me a day before the makeover just to make sure everything was still going ahead.
I decided to go for the 'ultimate makeup lesson' and my mum opted for the same but without foundation (she doesn't like to wear foundation, her skin's great anyway). I was seated and my makeover began as soon as I arrived. The makeup artists ask you questions before hand such as 'what is your daily beauty regime?' 'what makeup do you wear?' 'what would you like to learn from today?' I knew I wanted to find a foundation that was not only the closest match to my skin, but that was durable and would last me all day, and I also wanted to leave with a personalised beauty regime. I told  the lady (Wendy) who was doing my makeup all of this and she started from the very beginning: keeping your skin clean and worked all the way through to a full face of makeup. 

I told Wendy that I use makeup wipes and then wash my face with water to clean off my makeup, apparently makeup wipes only drag your dead skin across your face and don't properly take off makeup and water doesn't really do anything. Wendy used a Cleansing Oil and Bobbi Brown Soap to clean my face and I could see and feel the difference, my skin felt a lot smoother and looked brighter and cleaner. Wendy then applied serum and moisturiser to my face, which left it feeling really soft. 
Wendy applied foundation first, trying three different foundations on my face (my cheek, forehead and chin), she picked the colour which closest matched my skin. She cleaned off the foundation and then applied the foundation which matched using a foundation brush, she said not to use your fingers to apply foundation as firstly, it's unhygienic and secondly she personally felt that you could get better coverage and a nicer finish using a brush.  
Concealer & Corrector.
After the foundation was applied Wendy applied eye cream under my eyes and then added correcter, which is pink to cancel out the blueness of bags under my eyes, she dabbed it in so that it blended into my foundation as well, then she applied concealer and set it with powder.  
Once the base of my makeup was applied, Wendy used powder to set the makeup, only applying it to my T-Zone as it is a bit oily and the rest of my face is dry so I didn't need powder on my cheeks. 
She also applied a small amount of bronzer to my face, to add a bit of definition, depth and colour, as well as some Shimmer Brick highlighter to my cheeks which gave me a dewy complexion. Wendy finally applied a cream blusher (because I have drier cheeks). She said the blusher colour should resemble how you look when your face is flushed. Wendy dabbed the blusher onto my cheeks and spread it using a blunt, thick brush.
Wendy also added eyeliner above my eyes, mascara and defined my eyebrows to finish off.
 I think the makeover was a great idea, my mum and myself had a great time. Our makeovers looked so natural; the makeup used felt really light on my skin and spread really evenly, and the ladies who gave us our makeover were so lovely and really easy to talk to.
The only downside to the day is that the makeup is SO expensive, I personally feel you could find very similar equivalents for a lot cheaper, but I decided to splurge on some of the items they used on me anyway.


Hope you enjoyed the read. I'd love to know what kind of makeup you use or your beauty regime? Do you use Bobbi Brown too, or do you swear by a different brand? 

The link to Bobbi Brown website is here

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